Highlights From Our Contributions To Virginia Tech's 150 Years

With Degree completions that Include 89 PhDs, 32 MS, 3 MDs, and 3 other professional degrees, our [Culturally Aware Research Education] efforts continue to impact graduate education and research training in and out VT. Networking luncheons, as shown above in this "Throwback image" from our early years (Its Panera now), are central to our community building activities. One of our mentoring philosophies is that everyone has a fun fact - this lays the foundation for "inclusiveness" by hearing everyone's interesting "fun fact" or "embarrassing moments" they can talk about. This is an important experience for our scholars that we hope they take with them to their own mentoring activities. "Before IMSD, I had not heard of Jimmy John's" Kacie Blackman in a Thank You Card, IMSD alum is an Assistant Professor at California State University. Our contributions to VT's 150 years the first NIH supported research education grants, the first F31 recipient, student-driven mentor selection graduate training process, the first F33, and a community that has had training participants from 30 states, Puerto Rico and Virgin Island. Ed, Luke, Zac, Daniela, and Judy |